The history of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the land of Italy is delineated by the
work of men and women who, have contibuted to introduce and develop the message
of the restored Gospel, within the social context of their time.
This is a history characterized by miracles, sacrifices and
travails, as well as interior conflicts, successes and failures.
Quite often this is a history of ordinary people, under
extraordinary circumstances. Determining factors of this
history are not only the members of the Church, but other people as well.
In many ways, these other participants were influential in the spreading of the Gospel message even if
they did not embrace it. This page is dedicated to these men
and women and their stories.
The articles in this section are listed in alphabetical order.
To find the articles in which you are interested, move the cursor
downward. You might have to hit the Refreshor Reloadbutton on
your browser to insure the viewing of the most recent version of this page.
A great part of the material presented
in this section is also available in Italian.
To view a list of information on which the articles of this section are based on,
go to the RESEARCH page. |
Some articles on this web site are in PDF
(Portable Document File) format and can be accessed with Adobe® Acrobat® Reader®, a free software, very popular and easy to use.
To download Adobe® Acrobat® Reader®, click on the following button
Some other material, pertaining the subject of this web site, is listed as a link,
leading to the web site of origin. |
To contribute to this or other sections of BELLA SION, please check the information in the
Ancient Christians
Members of the primitive
Christian Church originary of and/or residing in Italy (Not including Peter
Bar-Jona and Paul of Tarsus) Definitions from 1897 Matthew G. Easton's
and 1901 William Smith's Bible Dictionaries. Scripture links to the King James Bible
(LDS version)
Aquila and Priscilla See also our Italian page of Biografie
Thurl Bailey NBA Basketball champion (Utah Jazz, Minnesota
Timberwolves) played for the A1 League in Italy for Polti Cantù (1995-1997) and Stefanel
Milano (1997-1998). Brother Bailey joined the Church in Italy, in 1995.Thurl Bailey's wonderful life Doug Robinson,"Thurl Bailey's wonderful life," Deseret Morning
News, Saturday, February 22, 2003
The Boy the Coach rejected "Thurl Bailey: The Boy the Coach Rejected" By Kathryn H. Kidd, cover images by Page Johnson, Meridian Magazine.
A Man as Big as His Vision of Life "Thurl Bailey: A Man as Big as His Vision of Life", text and photographs by Page Johnson, Meridian Magazine.
Information on Thurl Bailey's company,
"Big T Productions", can be found here.
Click here
for Thurl's Music Store |
Archibald F. Bennett Pioneer of the Microfilming Program.
The Microfilm Mission of Archibald F. Bennett Kahlile Mehr, "The Microfilm Mission of Archibald F. Bennett," Ensign, April 1982, page 69.
"A guide for genealogical research" by Archibald F. Bennett can be purchased through Amazon.com® |
Ezra Taft Benson (1899-1994) Re-dedicated Italy to the preaching of the Gospel in
1966. Was recipient of the High Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. Became the thirteenth President of the Church.Ezra Taft Benson Reed A. Benson,"Ezra Taft Benson," Encyclopedia of Mormonism. |
The Bertoch
Family Among the first Waldensian converts at the time of Lorenzo
Snow's "Italian Mission".Three Orphans in the Far
West Salvatore Velluto,"Three Orphans in the Far West" From the
Chisone Valley to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. The long journey of three young
Italians headed for the Promised Land. 150 Years Ago: First Italian Pioneers in
Utah Salvatore Velluto,"150 Years Ago: First Italian Pioneers in Utah" As part of the "Columbus Day" celebration, the University of Utah hosted a
conference to mark the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Antoinette, Daniel and James
Bertoch to Salt Lake City.
These articles also appear
in the magazine "In Piazza" (Winter 2004, Vol. V, No. 3, page 17) and on the "Notiziario Locale" of the
magazine "Liahona" (marzo 2005) |
The Beux
Family Among the first Waldensian converts at the time of Lorenzo
Snow's "Italian Mission".The Beux Family Laura A. Williams,"The Waldensian and Mormon Heritage of The Beux Family" Visiting my Ancestral Village Barry L.
Kent, "Visiting my Ancestral Village" |
Samuel Boren (1916-2001) President of Italy Milan Mission (1979-1982) and the Italy Catania Mission (1982-1983)Samuel Boren Pres.
Boren's obituary, posted by the Veracruz, Mexico website. Samuel Boren also served as president
of the Mexico Southeast Mission, (1969-1972) and president of the Lima Peru Temple. (1985-1987) He
was a former regional representative and treasurer of the Church Building Committee in South America. |
Cardon Family Among the first Waldensian converts at the time of
Lorenzo Snow's "Italian Mission" (Listed chronologically) |
Philippe Cardon (1801-1889) - Family Patriarch "Philippe Cardon,
Pioneer Father - Utah 1854." Written by his Granddaughters, Ella Vida Cardon Adams and
Blondel Cardon Porter Smith, 1960. HTML
Format PDF Format Marthe Marie Tourn (1799 - 1873) - Wife of
Philippe Cardon "Marthe Marie Tourn Cardon" Compiled by Brookie Cardon Peterson,
August 1995. extracted from "Three Generations of Our Pioneer Ancestors by Edna Cardon
Taylor HTML Format PDF Format |
Anne Cardon (1822-1882) - First child of Philippe and Marthe
Marie "Anne Cardon Rivoir Gaudin: The Sister Who Stayed Behind." Compiled by Brookie
Peterson, August 2003. PDF
Format |
John (Jean) Cardon (1824-1909) - Second child of Philippe and Marthe
Marie History written by Dan Drumiler. Includes: an autobiography as an appendix item;
a letter to his daughter Olga Mary; a photo of the "Big House" in Ogden, Utah. HTML
Format PDF
Format Anna Regula Furrer (1826-1907) - Wife of John (Jean) Cardon HTML
Format PDF
Format |
Catherine Cardon (1829-1902) - Fourth child of Philippe and Marthe
Marie "Moses and Catherine Byrne - A Brief History" by Myrtle Byrne
Whittaker. HTML Format PDF Format |
Louis Philip Cardon (1832-1911) - Fifth child of Philippe and Marthe
Marie History by Lucille Cardon Mathews, 1968. HTML Format PDF
Format Susette Stale' (1837-1923) - Wife of Louis Philip
Cardon "Grandmother Susette Stale Cardon - A Church Patriot." Written by her nephew,
Dr. James L. Barker, Head of Modern Language Department, University of Utah, Collected by
Isabelle C. Hilton. HTML
Format PDF
Format Joseph Samuel Cardon (1858-1908) - Son of Louis Philipe Cardon
and Susette Staley Cardon A brief autobiography written on request of Andrew Jensen,
Church Historian, for record in the church files, shortly before he became a member of the
Dublan Bishopric, about 1902. HTML Format PDF Format |
Marie Madeline Cardon (1834-1914) - Sixth child of Philippe and
Marthe Marie "An Autobiography" HTML format PDF
formatMadeline's Dream
"Madeline's Dream," Friend, November 1971, page 2. Marie Madeline and Charles Guild by Susan Tippets August,1997.
Jean (John) Paul Cardon (1839-1915) - Eight child of Philippe and Marthe
Marie. History written by Rebecca Cardon Hickman Peterson, extracted from "Three
Generations of Our Pioneer Ancestors" by Edna Cardon Taylor HTML format
format "Life Sketch of John Paul Cardon by a great
grandchild" HTML
format PDF
format Marthe Susanne Gaudin (1833-1920) - Wife of Jean (John) Paul
Cardon History written by Rebecca Cardon Hickman Peterson, extracted from "Three
Generations of Our Pioneer Ancestors by Edna Cardon Taylor PDF FormatHandcart
Pioneer Pioneer 1848-1868 Companies - Heritage Gateways |
Craig A. Cardon - President of the Italy Rome Mission
(1983-1986). Line
upon Line: "I Could Remember My Pains No More" Craig A. Cardon, "Line upon Line:
'I Could Remember My Pains No More,'" Ensign, June 1992, page 30. |
Sam Cardon - EMMY winning composer; ex-missionary to Italy Sam Cardon:
Biography |
of Phillippe Cardon and Marthe Marie Tourn 1799-1986 by Genevieve Porter Johnson
and Edna Cardon Taylor (Excerpts only, not complete) Cardon History by Edith Cardon Thatcher "Cardon Family Letters
1871-1908" from Anne Cardon and Family, compiled by Brookie Peterson HTML Format PDF
Format Children of the Valleys Transcript of the sound track of an 8mm
documentary motion picture made and narrated by Marriner and Stephan Cardon for
presentation at the Louis Paul Cardon family reunion, November 25, 1977. |
"The Cardons' Saga" a collection of photo-portraits
of Philippe e Matha Cardon and their children is available in our Photographic Archive For more information, please visit the official Cardon Families Organization
web site. | Christopher Columbus(1451-1506) Reference to
Cristopher Columbus is made in the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi 13:12)
Statements by Modern-Day Prophets
and Apostles on Christopher Columbus
Statements by Christopher Columbus with Spiritual Significance
Columbus and the Hand of
God De Lamar Jensen, "Columbus and the Hand of God," Ensign, October 1992, page 7.
Heroes and Heroines:
Christopher Columbus, Inspired Seaman Wendy Seal Manzanares, "Christopher
Columbus, Inspired Seaman," Friend, October 1992, page 35. Our Nation's Godly Heritage "Our
Nation's Godly Heritage," Presidential Prayer Team website, October 10, 2002.
A Man Moved Upon
by the Spirit Scot and Maurine Proctor, "A Man Moved Upon by the Spirit," Meridian
Magazine, 2004. For additional material, see also our Italian
page of Biografie Biographical books on Christopher Columbus can be purchased through Amazon.com® |
Cornelius the Centurion Mentioned in the book of The Acts of the Apostles,chapter X,
Cornelius the Italian Centurion was baptized by Peter the Apostle and became the
first Gentileof the primitive Church. Cornelius is traditionally believed
to have been the first Bishop of Cesarea in Palestine.The
Mistery of Cornelius the Centurion This article, published by the Endtime Prophecy Org, presents "Some Interesting Ideas
Regarding The Discipleship Of Cornelius, A Look At Peter's Call For Salvation To The Gentiles, And More Thoughts On Christian Discipleship."
For additional material, see also our Italian page of Biografie |
Tullio De Ruvo The first Italian to serve a mission in Utah (1984-86, Utah Salt Lake City South
the Move in Milano Don L. Searle, "On the Move in Milano," Ensign, June 1991, page 68.
Tullio De Ruvo's online bookstore, Il Grande Noce
can be found here |
Vincenzo Di Francesca(1888-1966) | The Story of Don Vincent Di
Francesca in His Own Words A letter, written on May
28th,1965 by Vincenzo Di Francesca to Leavitt Christensen, President of the the
Italian District of the Swiss Mission.The 1988 movie "How Rare a Possession" was
made, based on this letter. | Forty-Year
Wait For Baptism The Swiss Missionweb site posts an article titled "Forty-Year Wait For Baptism - Don Vincenzo Di Francesca" taken from the
book No More Strangers(Vol 1 pp. 82-89) by Hartman and Connie Rector. The text is nicely hyperlinked.
Rare a Possession Janet Thomas, "How Rare a Possession," New Era,
November 1987, page 28. The making of a new Church film.
Book of Mormon, the Word of God. How Rare a Possession Richard Tice, "How Rare a Possession," Ensign, January 1988, page 14. A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the New Movie on the Book of Mormon.
Will Not Burn the Book!" Vincenzo Di Francesca, "I Will Not Burn the Book!," Ensign, January 1988, page 18.
Saga of the Di Francesca Story Jay M. Todd, "The Saga of the Di
Francesca Story," Ensign, September 1989, page 73.
| How Rare a Possession: The Book of Mormon This 1987 movie, produced by the Church, and starring Mark Deakins as
Vincenzo Di Francesca is found on two separate VHS Videocassettes, available from the
Online Distribution Center. They are:"How Rare a Possession:The Book of Mormon" has also an entry in the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) |
Giovanni Diodati(1576-1649) Giovanni Diodati "di nation lucchese" was first to translate the
complete text of the Bible, in Italian, from the original Hebrew and Greek language. The first
edition of the Bible, translated by Diodati, was published in 1607. Formatting
the Word of God "Formatting the Word of God: The Charles Caldwell Ryrie Collection," Bridwell Library, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University,
1998. Images of the original 1607 edition of Diodati's Bible (frontespiece and Mattew 6:1-23) are
shown. Giovanni Diodati "Giovanni Diodati," The 1911 Edition Encyclopedia.For additional material, see also our Italian page of BiografieBooks on Giovanni Diodati, including his Italian
translation of the Bible, can be purchased through Internet
Bookshop Italia® |
Salvatore Flore Found a torn copy of the Book of Mormon on a trash
dump in Sardinia in 1955.
First Book in Italian Salvatore Flore and Wolfgang Hiemer, "My First
Book in Italian," Liahona/Tambuli, March 1995, page 8. |
Giuseppe Maria Garibaldi(1807-1882)
Italian patriot and soldier. Garibaldi was a leading figure and perhaps the most popular of all
Italian heroes of the Risorgimento (a period of nationalism in the 19th century that led to the
unification of Italy.)Hero
of Two Worlds Vicki H. Budge, "Hero of Two Worlds," Friend, Nov. 1971,
page 36. The
Anthony P. Campanella Collection of Giuseppe Garibaldi This collection was originally
exhibited during summer-fall 1997 at the Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina. (Text
by Roger Mortimer. Hypertext by Jason A. Pierce For additional material, see also our Italian page of BiografieBiographical books on Giuseppe Garibaldican be purchased through Amazon.com® |
Giuseppa Giurintano Oliva See our Italian page of Biografie
Daniel O. Jensen Italy Padova Mission
President (2001 - 2002)Italy Rome Mission President (2002 - 2004)
Missionary in the Italy Rome Mission (1972-1973) Our Mission This is a link to Pres. Jensen's Mission website, which contains contact
information, photos of missionaries and a photographic tour of the Mission Office. |
Leopoldo Larcher One of the very first Italian converts (August
1964) First Italian Branch President (Brescia, 1966) First
Italian Mission President (Italy Rome Mission, 1975-1977) First President of the Italy Catania Mission (1977-1978) First Italian
Regional Representative (1978-1982)The Larcher
Family Maraly Ledezma, "The Larcher Family- Constant faith and devotion
since the beginning on the history of the LDS Church in Italy."
For additional material, see also our Italian page of Biografie |
Giovanni Pietro Antonio Lebolo(1781-1830) Claimed to be the discoverer of the mummies and papyri that found
their way to Kirtland, Ohio, and that led to the publication of the Book of Abraham by the
Prophet Joseph Smith.
Ancient News: Symposium on
Archaeology of the Scriptures "News of the Church, Ancient News: Symposium on
Archaeology of the Scriptures," Ensign, March 1978, page 76. BYU Professor Tracing Path of Book
of Abraham Papyri "News of the Church: BYU Professor Tracing Path of Book
of Abraham Papyri," Ensign, June 1985, page 75, | Antonio Lebolo: Excavator of the Book of Abraham H. Donl
Peterson, "Antonio Lebolo: Excavator of the Book of Abraham," BYU Studies, Volume 31, no. 3,
Summer 1991 For years details about the papyri that contained the Pearl of
Great Price have been unknown; however, in this BYU Studies, H. Donl Peterson provides some
answers to questions about Antonio Lebolo, the excavator of the Pearl of Great Price. The journal, which includes this article, can be purchased for $ 3.00, from BYU
Studies® A PDF version of this article can be downloaded for $ 2.00, from BYU
Studies® For additional material, see also our Italian page
of Biografie |
Lotito President of the Italy Padova Mission (1980-1982) and the Italy Milan Mission (1982-1983)I
Am But a Lad Neal A. Maxwell, "I Am But a Lad," New Era, May 1981, page
4 This same article appeared on Liahona/Tambuli, February
1982, page 32, and New Era, February 2002, page 4. |
Silvana Longone Echols See our Italian page of Biografie
Rendell N.
Mabey(1908-2000)President of the Swiss Mission. (1965-1968) Presided over
"The Italian Zone" until "The Italian Mission" was constituted, in June 1966.
Mabey Family Arrives
"Mabey Family Arrives," Reaper-Swiss Mission, Vol.3, No. 43, August, 7, 1965. |
The Malan Family Among the first Waldensian converts at the time of Lorenzo Snow's "Italian Mission". Madeline Malan Farley (1839-1919)
Madeline Malan Farley
Rebecca Langford, "Madeline Malan Farley"For more information, please visit the official Malan Family On-line web site. |
Riccardo Maldarizzi See our Italian page of Biografie Renato Marini See our Italian page of Biografie Roberto Meloni See our Italian page of Biografie
Ottaviano An Italian scientist set out to investigate the Church. The
Book of Mormon passed his tests - and changed his life.The
Book Convinced Him Don L. Searle, "The Book Convinced Him," Ensign, March
1990, page 50. |
Italo Panone See our Italian page of Biografie
Paul of
Tarsus(ca. 10 B.C. - ca. 68 A.D.) Paul, "The People's Apostle" was born
a Roman citizen and preached the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles. His strong ties with Italy's
early Christians is evident from the epistle to the "saints" of Rome. Paul spent some
years on the Italian soil and died by decapitation in Rome, under the Emperor Nero, around
67-68 A.D.
(His journeys to Rome, imprisonements and demise) Definitions from
1897 Matthew G. Easton's and 1901 William Smith's Bible Dictionaries. Scripture links
to the King James Bible (LDS version) Apostle
Paul Barnabas Lindars, "Saint Paul Apostle" and J. Louis Martyn,
"Saint Paul", OMHROS - History Directory, 5 January, 2003 |
Giuseppe Pasta See our Italian page of Biografie
Robert C. Rhien Current President of the Italy Rome Mission. (As of June 29, 2004)President and Sister Rhien Short Biographical notes. |
Scarpulla The conversion of a former Catholic Priest.My
Search for the Restoration Angelo Scarpulla, "My Search for the
Restoration," Liahona/Tambuli, June 1993, page 17. |
Pietro and Felicita
Snaidero (1884-1970) (1894-1983) Brother and sister Snaidero were baptized in France, in 1951.
After they moved back to their village of Comerzo (Udine), they
established one of the first LDS italian groups of the XX century.Profiles
from the Past: Pioneers in Italy Richard L.,"Profiles from the Past: Pioneers in
Italy," LDS Church News, Saturday, May 9, 1981. |
Snow(1814-1901) Dedicated Italy to the preaching of the Gospel in
1850. Became the fifth President of the Church.Lorenzo Snow Maureen Ursenbach Beecher and Paul Thomas Smith,"Lorenzo Snow," Encyclopedia of Mormonism. Lorenzo Snow News
of the Church,"Lorenzo Snow," Ensign, May 1976, page 144. Lorenzo Snow: Decisions
of a Young Man Arthur R. Bassett, "Lorenzo Snow: Decisions of a Young Man,"
Liahona/Tambuli, May 1993, page 26. Books on Lorenzo
Snowcan be purchased through Amazon.com® |
The Stallè (Stalle, Staley) Family Among the first Waldensian converts at the time of Lorenzo Snow's "Italian Mission".Margaret Stalle Barker
"Margaret Stalle Barker - Younger Sister of my ancestor Suzette Stalle Cardon" Includes notes on parents Pierre and Maria, children Suzette, Bartolomeo, Maria, and Margarita. |
Loriano TolainiOne of
the very first members from Pisa (1967) First Italian President of the Pisa Branch
(1971) My Conversion
Story Loriano Tolaini, "My Conversion Story" A speech given, in
Italian, at the All Italian Missions Reunionheld in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Friday,
March 31, 2000 |
Giuseppe Efisio Taranto [a.k.a. Joseph
(1816-1883) The first native Italian (and Roman Catholic) to join the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in this dispensation. Toronto was a friend and employee of Brigham
Young for many years and became one of the heroes of the Nauvoo Temple story.Conversion of an Italian member of the LDS Church
Eliza Moody, "Conversion of an Italian member of the LDS Church," BYU News Net, July 19, 2000
Heroes of the Nauvoo Temple Story: Joseph Toronto
Matthew S. McBride, "Heroes of the Nauvoo Temple Story: Joseph Toronto," Mormon Life, June 26, 2002 |
Mario V. Vaira See our Italian page of Biografie
biographical notes of several Italian members of the Church
Profiles in Miniature: The European Saints "Profiles in Miniature: The European Saints," Ensign, August 1973, page 44. Includes: Alessandro Massei of Pisa, Felicita Snaidero of Udine and Filomena Leuti of Rome.
Sonia Griffa of Torino, Italy Jeri Jeppson, "Sonia Griffa of Torino, Italy," Friend, October 1988, page 28.
Buon Giorno! Don L. Searle, "Buon Giorno!," Ensign, July 1989, page 34. Also included with this article: "How They Came into the Church" (Brief conversion stories of Italian Saints), and "Milestones in Italy" (A timeline of LDS Italian history, up to 1988). (Also published as "The Saints in Italy," Liahona/Tambuli, April 1990, page 11)
Giulia Trabuio: Her Fountain of Youth Don L. Searle, "Giulia Trabuio: Her Fountain of Youth," Ensign, October 1990, page 56.
Making Friends: Rebecca Favaretto of Siena, Italy DeAnne Walker, "Rebecca Favaretto of Siena, Italy," Tambulilit, May 1994, page14.
Catania Italy Saints: Profiles of Faith Lori Young Nay, "News of the Church, Catania Italy Saints: Profiles of Faith," Ensign, July 1994, page 75.
Simone Millo of Florence, Italy DeAnne Walker, "Simone Millo of Florence, Italy," Friend, October 1994, page 30.
Ready to Die? Mauro Properzi, "Ready to Die?" New Era, April 1997, page 44. (Also published as "Am I Ready?," Liahona, August 1997, page 32)
God Is with Me Anna Albano, "God Is with Me," Liahona, March 1999, page 9.
Italy: A Foundation in Faith DeAnne Walker, "Italy: A Foundation in Faith," Ensign, June 1999, page 78.
A Study Plan Anna Albano, "A Study Plan," Liahona, March 2000, page 10.
Call Those Missionaries Ortensia Greco Conte, "Call Those Missionaries," Liahona, October 2000, page 33.
Alone in a Foreign Country Maria Mabilia, "Alone in a Foreign Country," Ensign, September 2002, page 68. (Also published as "Everyday People," Liahona, October 2002, page 44)
For additional material, see also our Italian page of Biografie